A Beginner’s Guide To Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga

Originating from India’s ancient teachings, yoga is considered the philosophy of life, which incorporates multiple elements and practices, and only some physical postures. Multiple types of yoga have become an essential daily life practice for many of us, and Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga is one of them.

In order to understand Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga in a proper manner, learning about its benefits, how it works, the poses it includes, etc. is necessary.

Hence, this article will provide various information about Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga.

The Benefits Of Ashtanga Yoga

Ashtanga yoga highlights all the eight limbs of yoga and helps in the development of spiritual and psychological health. It is completely focused on a certain predetermined set of postures which are linked by breathing and movements.

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga

Here are some of the benefits Ashtanga yoga can bring –

  • Maximization of physical strength.
  • Works as an effective cardio workout.
  • Develops coordination through improving focus and balance, and increasing awareness of the body’s flow and rhythm.
  • Through emphasizing the psychological and emotional flexibility and strengths, it helps in emotional and mental healing.
  • Helpful for awakening the spiritual self for ensuring ultimate well-being.

What Is Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga?

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga is considered a traditional, dynamic, and significantly active form of yoga. It is a subset in the asana section. It is one of the systems of Hatha Yoga that synchronizes our breath and movements within a consistently flowing sequence of postures.

Furthermore, it demands a remarkable level of concentration and determination; creates an internal heat that helps in purifying and cleansing; builds a strong and agile body, and develops coherence in the mind.

By practicing Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga, you can experience rapid progress and substantial outcomes. It helps in developing strength, stamina, flexibility; and an overall sense of wellbeing.

Vinyasa Ashtanga Yoga Difference

Ashtanga YogaVinyasa Yoga
Ashtanga is a traditional, fast-paced, meticulous, and challenging practice.Vinyasa is a modern and trendy way of practicing yoga.
It is a spiritual practice, and the foundational practice of modern-day yoga such as Jivamukti, Power Yoga, Rocket, etc.It takes some of the core principles of the traditional practices and combines them with different postures to create a more flexible and varied style.
Ashtanga has six set sequences taught one pose at a time.Due to the absence of a proper set sequence, every practice can be different in Vinyasa yoga.
It is repetitive in nature, so you are required to practice the same sequence of posture each day.Vinyasa does not acquire any set sequence.

How Does It Work?

A person’s body contains a transparent record of who they truly are. It reflects their life choices, such as – the way they portray themselves (the stature we contain is the outcome of the muscles we have selected to utilize, those which we have not, and the way our bones have developed for reflecting this).

Our body is indisputable and full of physical and mental scars. Comparatively, the mind is totally untrustworthy, as it does not require to be grounded, and acquires the ability to be inconsistent, visionary, and exuberant.

Adapting a physical practice allows one to circumvent the ‘monkey’ mind and focus their work on the ‘fabric’ of who they truly are. The system of ashtanga vinyasa yoga is practiced for breaking down and releasing piled-up toxins and obstructions, along with helping in the development of the authentic Self.

Five Ashtanga Poses To Try

Here are 5 ashtanga pose that you can try as a beginner –

  1. SURYA NAMSKAR A (SUN SALUTATION A) – It is not a single posture, but its best for warming up the body as it helps it better blood circulation and breathing. The yoga poses such as Upward- and Downward-facing dog are performed in a floaty way.
  1. PRASARITA PADOTTANASANA (WIDE-LEGGED FORWARD FOLD) – This standing pose helps in stretching the back, hips, and hamstrings. Ashtanga yoga consists 4 variations of this pose, with no limit to be creative with the arm variations.
  1. MARICHYASANA C (SAGE MARICHIS’ C) – It is the best introduction to spinal twists. Sitting, the stretching out the parameter of the one leg, screwing from the chest, utilizing one arm on the floor, a tiny push by the other elbow towards the knee for adjusting with the opening which feels fine for the body.
  1. BUDDHA KONASANA (BOUND ANGLE) – Considered the butterfly pose, this particular yogi sit opens your groins and hips.
  1. URDHVA DHANURASANA (UPWARD FACING BOW) – Known as the bridge pose, starts with getting the hips and thighs reaching upward while transferring the energy to the heels, then palms are placed next to the ears on the floor and required to push through the arms, shoulders, and heels while adding a full heart-opening.

Equipment Needed For Aerial Yoga

  • If you are going to attend aerial yoga in an aerial-focused studio, you are only required to bring your body, as they should provide all the equipment.
  • Wearing medium to full converge activewear is required due to the fraction created in between the skin and the ropes or silk. Towels are helpful for cushioning, if the class does not provide one, just bring your own.
  • In case you are wanting to practice at home – Gravotonics Yoga Swing, Yoga Trapeze by Yoga Body, AYRX Yoga Swing – are some products that can be helpful for you.
Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga

Can You Do Aerial Yoga At Home?

Yes, you can be able to do aerial yoga at home, that too without the need of renovating your living room.

Through attaching some ropes and swings to a metal frame, you can easily practice aerial yoga both inside and outside.

You can set up the ropes or silks around the support beams, like the branches of a tree, the exposed portion of front porch beam, in a similar manner you would generally hang a hummock.

You can also directly install ropes and aerial silks into the ceiling.

Please always remember to double the overall setting before practising, as the attachments can become loose with time.

How To Find An Aerial Yoga Class Near You?

There is nothing more efficient than Google when you are finding aerial yoga classes near you. Just type “aerial yoga classes near me” in the Google search box.

Additionally, ask the yoga studios in your locality if they offer aerial yoga classes, or know any instructor who offers classes for this style of yoga. Some local studios may offer special workshops and one-off classes.

Tips For Beginners

Aerial yoga is beneficial if practised in a proper manner; however, it can be complex in the very beginning. Hence, here are some tips for you, if you are a beginner –

  • Understand your body – When something is not feeling right, ask for help or take a short break.
  • Communicate with the instructor – In case something is uncomforting or hurting you, properly communicate with the teacher and ask for their guidance to find the best placement.
  • Take it easy – Always remember “a little goes a long way” in this type of yoga, hence take it easy and start slowly until you are used to the processes.
  • Keep your trust – You have to put your complete trust in the contraption, instructor, and most crucially, in yourself.
  • Have fun – As a beginner, it’s easy to get confused, and tangled with the ropes. However, if you think that you are taking the classes for having fun, the obstructions will no longer be bothersome.

To Wrap Up

Yoga practices have become a significant way of maintaining the physical and mental well-being of modern people, although the root of these practices is ancient.

This article has discussed the traditional and modern yoga practices – ashtanga vinyasa yoga to provide you with a better understanding.

Also Read: Three Person Yoga Posses

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